I have been using wood gears in some of my projects. some of them were cut on a CNC machine, and some on laser cutting machine (I don’t own neither).

friction is a serious matter when using gears. the exact diameter of shaft holes is extremely important. the right size should give enough slack for running smooth, but not too loose or it would go off alignment. also the proper diameter for snug fit is important, to ensure that the shaft will drive the wheel on one hand, and that the pressure wont damage the wheel on the other hand.

So i came up with these simple jigs, that contains all the possible holes for measuring the friction tolerance.

Jig for CNC: From 3 to 8.5 mm hole, in steps of 0.05 mm. total of 105 holes.

Jig for Laser Cutting Machine: 0.1 to 10.9 mm hole, in steps of 0.1 mm. total of 110 holes.

the laser is a bit less accurate on those tolerances, since the beam runs with a very slight angle. so going under 0.1mm tolerance wouldn’t be relevant.

It is rare that a job that i carry out for the first time is clean, accurate and appealing, in a way that its really satisfying to get back to it when you need it.
I guess these jigs are part of those seldom moments.


This Jig on Lumberjocks: http://lumberjocks.com/projects/203922




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